Saturday, December 14, 2013

Today,Saturday, December 14, 2013, started out as a good day.

I went shopping, did some chores and, at about 3, I went off on my walk.

I walked down North Seward Court to the rotary, straddled the silt fence and walked east over the bridge towards the cart trail around old Hole 11. I then walked the trail around Hole 12, Hole 13, Hole 14, and walked down  to the bridge on Hole 16. As I recrossed the bridge and came up the hill heading back to the club house, I saw a man coming down the hill dressed in white coveralls carrying a high powered rifle with a scope walking toward me.

It was at appoximately 4:40 P.M.
I yelled, "God damn, man, hunting on Beech Creek property? Is that your God damn deal!"

I'm kinda hard of hearing so I may not have heard everything he said as we approached each other but when we were face to face he asked, "What is Beech Creek?"

I said,"It's this property! This is a subdivision called Beech Creek and I live here. What are you doing hunting here?"

He said, "I'm lost. I started off over by the railroad track, got lost and I'm trying to get back."

I said,"Well, I've already found three tree stands on this property and I don't appreciate you being here because I walk out here all the time and I don't want to get shot."

I was a little loud so my words spooked a deer near us.
On this past Thursday afternoon I'd spooked a herd of seven deer at that Hole 16 bridge.

He asked me if hunting was allowed and I said,"God damn, I hope not!"

We parted, him heading east down the cart trail toward the Hole 16 bridge.
I was walking up the hill when I heard him ask me something.
I turned around and asked him to repeat himself.

 He asked."Have you heard anybody shooting here this afternoon?" and I replied," No, you got about 15 minutes. You ought to be able to get back to the railroad tracks without getting shot."

Five minutes later as I approached the end of the cart trail beside Stepney Road, I heard a gunshot.

This was a bad experience for me.

In my professional life as a high school teacher in Birmingham, I was unarmed and on many occasions I had to disarmed students carrying pistols.
 On one occasion, a student pointed a rifle at me.

Today started out as a good day but it turned into a bummer.


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