Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My son, Christopher, came by tonight so he could write a paper for his diesel class on the computer. I was grilling a big steak and a chicken so he got to chow. Anywayzzzzzzzzzz.... while I was cooking the chicken I started thinking about how much I loved the pulley bone & I decided I'm gonna come up with a way to get me a mess of pulley bones and have a pulley bone feast. Have fried pulley bone, barbeque pulley bone, pulley bone casserole, pulley bone gumbo... you get the picture & after the meal we all get to make a wish & pull the pulley bone! (the short end always won in my family. I was shocked like somebody told me the Easter Bunny didn't exist when I found out some families let the big bone win) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g905u5yx1XE


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