Monday, September 27, 2010

I already made a speech at Kiwanis. Back in '65 @ the Houston Hotel. Frank Moss Gaines got me out of school & took me down there to tell about going to Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, N.M.


If they was any way you could work ZERO, NORTHWEST FLORIDA or "robertoreg" into yo' speech, it word showl be 'preciated, Mittuh Buddy.

Since the show Sept. 10 Google results for "robertoreg" have gone from 2400 to 2720.
That's a lot of new links in only two weeks.

Please keep me in mind at Kiwanis.



After my email blast last night, I got this from the Alabama Record Collectors:


Just a note to say thanks for the recognition! We saw an immediate surge in visitors after you linked our article on the Ramrods. We’ve forwarded this information to Chris Bishop so hopefully he will be including the Ramrods on his site.

If we can help you in some way please let us know. Thanks again!

Robert Ellis


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