Saturday, September 25, 2010


Last night in Dunedin:

My wife and I are more dis­crim­i­nat­ing than most when it comes to lis­ten­ing to bands play­ing live. I was raised in radio. My Dad man­aged sta­tions around the South­east in the ’60’s and ’70’s. I first hit the air in 1967 and worked my way up to KSRR-FM, an ABC net­work owned an oper­ated sta­tion in Hous­ton. I also worked in Atlanta and New Orleans, and a few places I’d rather for­get. In addi­tion to being an air per­son­al­ity I was also the pro­duc­tion director.

I know what it is to run a board. I know very good bands from very pro­fes­sional bands. My wife and I were not an ordi­nary cou­ple lis­ten­ing on the lawn last night in Dunedin.

Cut to the chase: After the first thirty sec­onds of the first set Mary and I turned to each other and, with our decades of lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence, simul­ta­ne­ously asked, “Who ARE these guys?!”.

Honey, this ain’t no bar band.”

No, I think this may be a stage of stu­dio musi­cians, at the very least.”

We wuz blown away. Mary whooped and hollered (age 56) after every number; her high­est compliment.

This morn­ing we went to YouTube and Coo Coo Ca Choo’s web­site. Now we know.

Jeez, no wonder.

After the show (by the way, every­one on the lawn wanted and loved that encore) we went to the tent and highly com­pli­mented the sound man. He did a fantastic job.

Rod­ney, I may have inter­viewed you at WNOE-FM in New Orleans when “So Into You” was released. I wish I could remem­ber which mem­bers came to the sta­tion that day. ‘NOE was in the Quar­ter at 529 Bienville. Bobby Reno was Pro­gram Direc­tor of the FM. CC Court­ney was P.D. of the AM.

Thanks for an excel­lent show. We’ll be see­ing more of you for sure.

Please for­ward this to the band and any­one else that may want our highly crit­i­cal opin­ion of one of the best bands we’ve heard any­where. You guys were damn good; best stage pres­ence and musi­cally gifted per­for­mance we’ve seen in a long time.

Dean (and Mary) Hub­bard
Dunedin, FL


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