Sunday, July 20, 2014

 July 20, 1814, the inhabitants of Mobile, in a public meeting to take into consideration the defenseless state of the town, authorized the following resolution: “That a committee of Five be forthwith appointed to draft a memorial to his Excellency Major General Andw. Jackson, explanatory of the defencelessness and awful situation of this quarter of the Territory, the ill-advised abandonment and evacuation of Mobile Point, and the withdrawal of the Gun Boats from the Bay of Mobile—praying his Excellency's relief thereupon.”
When these resolutions reached Jackson he indorsed them as follows: “The memorial of the citizens of the Town of Mobile, to be answered with assurances of every protection, that the means within my power will afford, that the abandonment of Mobile Point was by the order of the secratary of war. the remonstrance, has been forwarded to the secratary of war with the appropriate remarks. The remonstrance to be forwarded to the secratary of war as above.” The result was that orders were given to reoccupy Mobile Point.


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